Wednesday, August 4, 2010

GBGC Top 40 Countdown: T-24, I Need You

It's probably a good idea to watch the video before reading this, otherwise one of the jokes is verschenkt. First of all, I'm thoroughly proud of myself for doing eight days of GBGC Top 40 Countdown. Actually, I've made nine videos in row - "Time for Me to Fly" is not part of the countdown, unfortunately, since I came up with the concept a day later. More work for me!

I don't know how many aspects of life can be compared to buying shoes, but it happened to me again: I fell in shoe love. Completely unexpected, completely impractical, and completely fine with me. Be it finding a boyfriend, a job, or a pair of shoes (what else is there, really?), it's always the same. The more you look, the less you find. There I was, in Frankfurt's snazzy new shopping center, when upon descending the escalator I saw the close out sale at a shoe store. I wasn't even there shopping, rather I wanted the yummy noodles that they sell up on the top floor. But what the heck - by the time next New Year's Eve rolls around, I would like a nicer pair of evening wear shoes.

Well, I didn't find elegant black pumps, but I did see this pair of purple suede shoes, 60 % off. I don't have too much money to burn right now, but it was one of those moments. It was shoe love. It's my birthday soon, so there. Hopefully I'll be as open, aware and ready to strike as I was on the day I found my purple shoes when other opportunities show themselves to me. And hopefully that will be soon!


  1. damn! i thought I was getting "I need you" by the Beatles.

    but the shoes rock. it don't need to be your birthday to buy yourself a little flair of Awesome =)

  2. OMG, I had forgotten about this song! Thank you thank you! I want to go back to the 80's now.
