Monday, May 24, 2010

GBGC #11: Femme Fatale by Glamophone (featuring Bad Baby Banjo)

No sooner do I start the Bad Guitar Channel than somebody hands me a bad baby banjo. This is not helping my glamorous image as an opera singer. So, what was I to do? The only thing I could do: Glam Rock. And I'm wearing the dress that I performed in at the lawyer's party, by the way.

Please read the accompanying article "Glamophone" on my other blog: Christine's Voice.



  1. Hey, y'all. No, I don't know why there's all that empty space at the beginning, nor do I know why the breaks between the words are not properly represented... I've spent 8 hours on this thing already, and I give up!! (But like I said, check out my other blog: Christine's Voice!)

  2. Loooove it! Not sure, mind, that you ought to be allowed to get away with disparaging glamour on your other blog then scrubbing up as well as that on this one... Ach well, never mind, you're a soprano ;-) x

  3. Aw, many thanks indeed! I thought the taking off of the make-up (a la Glenn Close in Dangerous Liaisons...?) and changing into a grubby flannel to go to bed with a book was disparaging enough. Who knew banjos could be so glamorous!?
