Thursday, August 5, 2010

GBGC Top 40 Countdown: T-23, Constant Craving

On my way home after the show tonight (for those of you not in the know, I'm actually a professional opera singer), I started humming this song. Right away, I thought there'd be too many chords in it, and sure enough, when I checked, I found that dreaded F chord. But I didn't want to be defeated on this day. Today, I wanted to get what I wanted. Most days, that doesn't happen. And here I was hoping to be "all set" by the time I was... well, in 23 days. 

In the meantime, I found out that the state of California just overturned its cockamamy ban on same sex marriage. Just because a person is gay in California, however, doesn't automatically mean that he or she has someone in their life they want to go out and marry today. And just because I am a damn good opera singer/actress/artist doesn't necessarily mean that the heavens are lining things up to make that happen, either. The want is still there, however. Constant craving has always been.

So this song goes out to truth seekers of all kinds who can finally get what they've been craving, even if that is only the recognition that it is okay to want what you want - and that you might actually deserve it.


  1. love it! especially the message in your post - yes, it is okay to want what you want, to keep wanting it, and to go for it.

  2. Great video! I was hoping for the 'ah ahhh' but great nonetheless.

  3. Ha, ha, Cheryl - not a drop (unfortunately). That's a post-operatic high (and hairdo).

  4. "el que busca encuentra" (who seeks, finds)and seeking, I just found out it is also the title of a song by Elefantes :)

  5. Since you first posted this video, the overturn of the ban on gay marriage in California was overturned, then the overturn of the overturn of the ban on gay marriage in California was overturned, and just recently the overturn of the overturn of the overturn of the ban on gay marriage was itself overturned.
